Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Dec. 23, 2003

Surprises are wonderful. An email I got yesterday made my day, because it let me know that someone not related to me reads (or tries to read) my posts. Thanks for the update that my font was too small!

Yesterday was a good writing day for two reasons. One, I wrote and submitted an article. I always feel better when I do, and since I was having a real problem writing it was even better. And two, because I talked to my husband, and he reassured me again that he is 100% behind be in my choice to pursue a writing career.

I told him how bad I feel that he's out there busting his butt everyday and I'm here enjoying what I do, but not earning a lot of money doing it. He told me he was so glad that I was doing this. I also told him that I feel everyone thinks I am sitting home doing nothing and that sometimes I worry he thinks that too. He told me I couldn't be more wrong, that he knows I am taking steps forward everyday and that I will make this work. His belief in me is amazing. I wish I was always as confident in myself as he is in me.

My children have also been amazing through this. When I even mention to them that I am going to get a job, they tell me not to, and they tell me that I should write and that I can do this. It is nice to be surrounded by such supportive cheerleaders. It makes me want to succeed, so I don't let them down.

Their belief is contagious--I am definitely starting to believe that I can do this. That is important because I don't think any creative person can move forward without believing in themselves. My wish for everyone this Holiday is more confidence. You can do it--whatever IT is!

I might not be posting for a few days because of school break and the holidays, so if anyone is reading, Have the best holiday, you deserve it. I'll be back soon.
posted by Kelly @ 12/23/2003 09:35:00 AM  
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