Monday, December 29, 2003
The funny thing about being a writer is that inspiration can hit any time, but what I have been learning is that my inspiration usually hits when I am writing. I woke up this morning and decided instead of moaning and groaning, I was going to do something about writing. I was going to write something. I wasn't being picky, and the only criteria was that I had to find a place to submit an idea and then start writing it. Everything I write won't get published, but If I don't write and submit I definitely won't get published.

I know I keep saying this, and I will probably say it a thousand more times, but I am the one who is going to make this work, and I knew going in it wasn't going to be easy. I have to keep moving forward even on the bad days. When things aren't going well I have to believe I can do this even more. Persistence will pay off.

Anyway, once I started writing I began to have fun. Once I started to have fun, I began to think of ideas. I sent the idea to the editor I've been working with and guess what, he liked it and now I have another article to write. Now, how do I beat this into my head for next time.

I guess eventually if I say and write all of this enough, it will sink in. I must have to learn through repetition.

I also was not worrying about money today, and that made a difference. I wrote because I wanted to and realized once again that I love to write, and that I write for the right reasons it's easy. I have to keep reminding (and stop worrying about it) that the money will come if I follow my heart.
posted by Kelly @ 12/29/2003 08:53:00 PM  
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