Tuesday, February 17, 2004
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

A few weeks ago I talked about my dream of opening a business. I mention that I always wanted to own a coffee shop/book store. I had contacted a man about renting a building and starting doing research about owning a business. Then I didn't post anything.

It's not that I have given up on this dream, someday I still might do this. I think it is a good idea and I think I could have a nice business. After researching this a bit I realized that it is not what I want right now. Owning a business would require a lot more time than I am willing to give right now. I am not ready to give up working at home. I like what I'm doing at the moment. It's nice to have other dreams and ideas and I am so glad that I took steps towards other dreams. I just know now that it is not something I really want to pursue right now.

I want to be a writer. I want to do everything I can right now to make this dream a reality. Lately it has been hard to keep myself on track. I haven't had much luck with the writing, so I have been avoiding it. I have been looking for other things to do (just in case this writing thing doesn't work out). I have been setting myself up for failure by doing this.

It's not that I don't want other things. I do. I want all of my dreams to come true. I think they will too, because I don't plan on giving any of them up. It just might take longer to realize some than others.

It's funny but when I picture my bookstore/cafe I always see a room in the back where I can write. I figure that when I do open it I'll spend most of my time back there writing. I'm not sure I'll make a very owner because I will be annoyed every time I am interrupted by a customer! I think I'll need to find a way to deal with that before I go and open a store because I won't be in business too long now will I?

I also have the artist thing I'm concentrating on now. I had forgotten how much I enjoy art and I really want to pursue this too right now. I have decided that writing and drawing are enough. It is OK to put other things on hold if they aren't right for you at the moment. It doesn't mean you are giving them up, it means you have something to look forward to later.
posted by Kelly @ 2/17/2004 09:04:00 AM  
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