Tuesday, April 06, 2004
After the last two posts I thought it was time to explain my Brian (oldest--and only--son, age 17). You might as well grab a coffee now and sit back and relax. This might take awhile. This is one of those kids that defy explanation.

Actually thinking about this, in 17 years I haven't been able to explain him, so I doubt I will be able to do it now. I'll tell you about him instead.

Brian age two: Had to drink coffee every morning because his dad did. It had to be coffee, he knew the difference and let you know if you tried to pull a fast one and give him milk only. Don't worry, it didn't stunt his growth (it was about a 80/20 mix of milk and coffee) he's 6'3" and still growing. It also had to be in the cup that said I love my Daddy.

Carried a 3 foot tall pink bunny with him everywhere he went. This was mine (an pre-marriage gift from the hubby). He called it "Baby," and it had to be treated like a person. If we went out to eat "Baby" got his own chair.

Loved the movie ET. I never tried to use it as a babysitter. He seriously loved this movie and would sit and watch the whole thing and want it repeated as soon as it was over. He would sit still for hours at two. (Wish he could do that now!)

Potty training--I'm confused if this was at the end of age 2 or the beginning of age 3. I know I did not have 3 in diapers at once and his sister's were born at 3 years and 3 months. Anyway, he was in diapers one day and not in the next. He had one accident that I recall. He decided he didn't want them anymore and that was that.

Age 3: Called me Kelly for 6 to 8 months (This started in the two's). When I brought the girls home from the hospital his exact words were "Hey Kelly, are those your babies?" I was Kelly and they were my babies for months. Then suddenly one day I was Mommy and they were his sisters. He called them KelciMichelle (one word) for years. I constantly corrected him: Kelci and Michelle. He finally realizes there are two of them!

He became obsessed with Ghostbusters: The movie, the cartoon, the action figures. He had a ghostbuster outfit (3 of them actually) and he wore it everyday. It was a khaki jumpsuit that zipped up the front and had a ghostbuster patch on the sleeve and a picture of the cartoon ghostbusters on the back. He wore his plastic ghost catcher on his back and carried the ghosttrap. He completed the outfit with either cowboy boots or swim shoes. What to wear was not an issue with him--It had to be that outfit. Thank God, I had the foresight to buy several when they were on the clearance rack.

In this phase he wore out the movie. His favorite part was the library scene when the ghost librarian turns ugly and jumps at the Ghostbusters. I think he knew every line to that movie. I know he knew every scene.

He got his first "Snuggle bunny" for Easter. This was a cheap stuffed blue bunny that carried a carrot and had "Snuggle Bunny" on its chest. He would not go any where with out it. He was obsessed with it. I had to buy another blue one and then they stopped making them in blue and switched to green and called it "Bunny Hugs." I have no idea how I explained the color change, but we went through 3 of those. I swore that he would carry one of them down the aisle at his wedding. They sat in his room until the early teen years. They live in the attic now.

Notice a trend with OBSESSED? When Brian gets involved in something that's it! He lives, breathes and talks about it 24-7. Once he's over something that's it it's over, no questions asked. He has had some crazy fazes.

I'm going to briefly skim the elementary school years and just give a few quotes"

Teacher (Everyone for 6 years): "He is a great kid. He is so smart. He has a great personality. His desk and not turning in homework are his biggest problem. He doesn't work to his potential."

When he would get C's I would say "Brian, what's this? You know the work, I know you can do better than this."
His reply, "What don't you like average?" (4th grade) (Let me clear something up--getting A's would have been no problem for him with little effort. He would do the work and not turn it in, that is why he would get the C. If a C was what he got trying his hardest I would be very happy with that. I swear he tried hard to get a C by sabotaging himself. In his mind anybody could get an A--it was that easy))

Me: "Brian why didn't you turn in the homework you did?"

Brain: "The teacher didn't ask me for it?" (He meant him specificity! She told the class to pass up their homework, but didn't ask him by name."

I am not going to list all the things his father and I and the teachers did in an effort to help him. This is already way to long.

Middle school--More of the same--He would do horrible in a subject one marking period and get an A+ (100) the next. Somehow, he would average it out so his final grades were good. To look at the end results, you would never guess how crazy he would make me during the school year.

High School has been much better. I'm not proud of this, but I did bribe him with his license and car. He got them and has kept them on the condition he keeps his grades up. Lucky for me his new obsession is his car. The peace has been nice.

Don't get me wrong. He is a great kid and for a boy of 17 he gives us little grief. I don't worry about drugs or drinking with this one. He is surprisingly responsible with his car. He works, pays part of his insurance, uses his own money for gas and maintenance, and rarely asks us for a dime. We'll slide him cash sometimes because we feel bad that he never asks. He is also one of the kindest people I know. Every night (without fail) he kisses me goodnight and tells me he loves me. He is a nice kid.

Brian is Brian, he beats to his own drum. He is one of those people that will have a great life because he will do exactly what he wants. My guess is that he will end up on top because he definitely thinks outside the box.
posted by Kelly @ 4/06/2004 09:05:00 AM  
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