Monday, June 07, 2004
Whether it's praise, love, criticism, money, time, power, punishment,space, sorrow, laughter, need, pain, or pleasure... the more of it that you give, the more of it you will receive.

Mike Dooley

I was looking for a cute little quote to share that would express my sediments of the joy a tiny little dog named Lucky has brought to me. I found this one instead and my whole idea for a post changed.

But first a few updates:
Lucky is wonderful. As usual, I found the dog that is perfect for us. He is the friendliest little guy you would ever want to meet. I have heard many bad things about Chihuahua's:

They are yappy. Lucky has barked 4 times since we got him, and three of them were forced. The kids keep ringing the door bell just to see if he'll back.

They are a one person dog. So far this is not him at all. He seems to love everyone equally. As long as you have a lap, he'll sit on it.

They don't get along well with other animals. OK, so we have had a few moments with our other dog (these are pretty funny though--they are both just looking for the love). But, over all, I am surprised how well they are dealing with each other. Right now the two of them are laying here sleeping. I like having two dogs again.

Oh and some other pluses: He's house trained, he loves walks, he loves to ride in the car (he goes crazy when he sees the leash), and he just makes me smile every time I look at him. I think he feels the same way. He gets so excited when he sees me (or any one else). Even if you leave the room for a minute, he's all happy when you come back.

This is true love!

Running update:
I'm on week 6 of 10 in the training, and I'm still running. I'm up to 9 minutes with a minute break in between. There have been a few hard days where I've wanted to give up, but I didn't. This is something that I will finish and I will continue to do. On the hard days, I just break it down into small goals and then I do it. Like when I'm at 7 minutes and I have 2 more to go and I start thinking I can't do this. I remind myself that I only have 120 steps to go. That's all. Somehow it gets easier when I realize how small that actually is. Breaking it down as small as possible makes it much easier. Another good think, usually the next day out after a hard day, it is much easier. I don't know why this is, but it always makes me feel better, so I'm glad for it.

Art Assignment:

I finished my assignment for Wee Ones Magazine, and I sent it in over the weekend. I was a bit scared--I always am when I send things in. What if they don't like it? What if it is not what they want? Is it good enough? My daughter reminded me that I sent them samples before they offered me the assignment and they liked those, so they would like these too, because it was the same kind of work. Well, she was right! Boy, do I have smart kids! I'll post the link when they are up on the site (it won't be until July though).

I didn't mean for my updates to take up so much of this post, so I'll make the rest brief. Back to the quote at the top. This is so true. The more you give, the more you get. So, if you want good things give good things. Is it money you need? Give some away. Even if it is the change in your car. I've started doing this at the McDonald's drive through. I figure if I have enough to be buying McFlurries, I have enough to give to the Ronald McDonald House. No amount that you give is insignificant.

Is it love you are lacking? Try giving some away. OK, I've been complaining about lack of friends, maybe I'm not being friendly enough. Do you always feel like people are being critical of you? Could this be because you are always criticizing others.

All of us have negative things in our life that we would like to change and this theory seems like a pretty simple way to change them. You get what you give. So why not give out a whole bunch of positive and have it heaped back on you. And, if it is the negative you would like to get rid of, then don't send it out there, and it won't come back to you. Sounds good (and actually pretty easy) to me.
posted by Kelly @ 6/07/2004 07:42:00 AM  
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