Friday, July 30, 2004 |
Once in a Blue Moon
There's a blue moon tomorrow night (Saturday, July 31). Having two full moons in a month only comes around about every two and a half years. In honor of this, I think I'll try to do something I rarely do, or maybe I'll do something that I've never done before. Is there something you have been meaning to do, or wanting to try? Then do it tomorrow, and come back and tell me what you did Once in a Blue Moon.
Here's what I did:
- Updated an online resume--I hadn't thought about this resume in almost a year, but every once in awhile I get a phone call from a prospective employer because they have seen it. I always get offered customer service or sales jobs because that's what I did. Out of the blue, I thought about it yesterday, and it hit me that I needed to update it saying I'm a writer and artist. I won't be offered that type of job if no one knows I do it. I have know idea if anything will ever come of it, but it felt good to put it out there.
- Matched Socks--I went through that dreaded pile of mismatched socks and found some matches. I always put this off because it is such a tedious job. It is incredible that 5 people can lose so many socks. There has got to be a way to keep those pairs together. I probably won't do this again until the next blue moon in 2007. I hope you did something more exciting than that!
- Went Hiking -- I live in the mountains, sort of. They are called mountains, but they are more like big hills. Don't picture the Rockies here. But they are beautiful, and I tend to forget that they are here. There is one state park, Rickett's Glen, about 10 miles from my house that is known for it's waterfalls. There are 22 in all, and there is an 8 mile trail along the water to walk them. It is an incredible place, but I hardly ever go there anymore, but think about going all the time. Yesterday, I made an effort to get there. Our trip was cut short by a thunderstorm, and we only got to see 2 of the waterfalls, but we still had a great time. The rain stopped me from taking pictures, but not from enjoying myself, and we're going back next weekend. I'm not waiting for a blue moon for this one. There is so much right in front of me that I overlook, or take for granted, and I've decided to make a huge effort to stop doing that.
posted by Kelly @ 7/30/2004 02:47:00 PM   |
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Name: Kelly Gibbons
Home: Dallas, Pennsylvania, United States
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