I know how it feels to be an Oscar nominee. OK, maybe not Oscar, but a BOB is just as good in my book. Apparently someone named Jack (thanks Jack!) LOVES my SunnyK cartoon (check out the comment for Nov. 27), and nominated me. It does feel wonderful just to be nominated. I have ALWAYS wanted to say that!
Anyway, this is proof that my last post is not hocus pocus. I was here, and read that she was nominated for a Blog award, and thought, "I wish I would be nominated for an award." And guess what, I was. Hee Haw. This is one of those moments I was talking about in the previous post that makes life a wee bit better (or easier to deal with).
By the way, Angela, in case your counting that is two post in less than two hours, so I'm good for, let's say, a month, right? |