Huntsville Rd., Dallas, PAI find local news coverage of snow storms hysterical. The majority of the broadcast is dedicated to the storm, with a different reporter on location in, oh, every available snow bank. Every snow storm gets extensive coverage, and the reporters create mass panic. Sure, we have some wicked weather here, but hours of coverage is ridiculous. Look outside, it's snowing, the roads are bad, don't drive on them. What more needs to be said? If you really need a second by second update of how much we're getting, take a ruler outside and measure. I live in mountainous region of Pennsylvania, so we get snow. This is not news. We will always get snow here. If it didn't snow where I live, now that would be news.
People are also funny when it snows. Whenever snow is predicted (even if only a dusting is called for) they run to the grocery store to buy every gallon of milk and every loaf of bread they can get their hands on. The aisle are packed with people filling carts like they are never going to see food again. Seriously people, the roads always open again. Honest.