Friday, December 15, 2006
Why yes, I am weird
So, I have been tagged. I don't think I have ever been officially tagged before. Oh, and this is my (drum roll, please) 400th post. I have a nice mushy reminiscing post saved as a draft, but I don't see that coming anytime soon (I haven't actually finished t yet).

OK, so I have to name six weird things about myself. Ya think this would be easy for a person who is told she's weird on a daily basis, but I guess I've never sat around and figured out exactly what makes me weird. I just am. But, for Angela, I will try.

1. I have this website, but very few off line people know that I am a writer and an artist (not even the ones I see on a daily basis). I have trouble telling people about this part of my life, and when I do I feel very egotistical. I imagine them thinking she has a website named for herself, who does she think she is? She's not famous or published or (fill in the blank), why on earth would she have her own website? Yes, silly, and yes, I'm getting over it, and yes I know this could be (alright it IS) a huge reason why I'm not more successful.

2. My feet are weird, especially my right foot. When I make footprints (like when I get out of the pool and walk on the deck), I only make 4 toe prints, because my pinkie toe permanently crosses over the next one and never touches the ground. (And, I'm sure their are quite a few other weirdos with toe/feet issues who are turning away in horror right now.)

3. I have phone issues. As in, I really do not like talking on the phone, and have a really hard time contacting new people by phone. When I have to call someone that I don't know, I have to rehearse a fake conversation before I make the call (sometimes I even write down a script). I don't seem to have this issue so much at work, just at home. This goes for personal and business calls. Yes, I know. I'm weird.

4. Everyone who knows me, probably knows this one already, but I'll list it anyway. I love cemeteries. I could walk around them for hours at a time. I love finding unique headstones, and I look at them like works of art. I read the headstones and make up stories about the people, and my young adult novel has a tie-in to this. I am just absolutely fascinated by cemeteries, and find them so peaceful and calming. I have also researched names and dates I've found interesting. I often go to them when I need to make decisions, need to talk things out or just to relax. Many times I go to cemeteries where I don't "know" anyone. Oh, and I'm not Gothic (not that there's anything wrong with that). I just mention it because most people who've read about this online think I am and want to include me in things I'm not really interested in. I'm not saying anymore.

5. I am terrified of caterpillars (again, most people who know me, already know this). I have near panic attacks when I see them. I start to cry and shake and my whole body starts to itch. OK, I'm itching right now just thinking about them. I've tried to get over this, but I can't, and I really don't even know if I want to. The thought of being OK with caterpillars freaks me out. Oh, and once, a butterfly landed on my toe, and for one second I was thinking ahh, how sweet, then it wiggled and I saw it's caterpillarness and I totally freaked out. I was jumping up and down and crying, and screaming, "get it off me, get it off me". Yes, I have a problem. So? I can laugh about it now.

6. I wanted to grow up to be a hermit. I saw a hermit walking on the street--well, that's what my mom said he was--and after she told me that he lived in the woods in a lean-to by himself, I just thought that was the most awesome thing I ever heard. I still fantasize about doing it. Imagine being able to just sit in the woods all day by yourself in your ratty old clothes with no one to bother you, no rules to follow, no one to answer to--just you and the animals. Hmm, now that I think about it, I think I just about did that for a year, except it was me and my PJ's and puppies with the Internet. Not as glamorous as it sounds.

I'm so sure there are more, but I was only required to do six, so now I'm done.

OK, so I'm not done. I despise being tickled, and my reaction to being tickled is over the top dramatic. I cry, run away, shake, kick, scream, in general I carrying on like a nut case. Please don't ever, just for fun to see my reaction, even try to tickle me. It ain't pretty, and I can not be held responsible for my actions.

So, how are you weird? Blog about it or leave it here in a comment. I'm just weird enough to really want to know.
posted by Kelly @ 12/15/2006 04:30:00 PM  
  • At December 17, 2006 12:47 PM, Anonymous gary said…

    Ah, I told you this once a couple of years ago: I am weird because my hobby is finding four leaf clovers (over 200 so far!) and now my wife does too, with some success.
    You have a great site, tell your friends! Toot your horn!

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