Monday, December 17, 2007
I'm grateful for Angela, who reminded me that I'm being a slacker.

I'm grateful for snow, again. Amazing, huh? Any time the snow alters my work day, I'll be grateful. Today the snow allowed me to have a delayed start. Woo Hoo!

I'm grateful for cookie swaps. It's very cool to bake 6 dozen of one kind of cookie and then swap them out for 6 different kinds. My family was very grateful, too.

I'm grateful for my dogs. I just adore the love I get from them. They are always so happy to see me, especially in the morning. OK, so it might be because I let them out, but still, they're excited.

I'm grateful for four wheel drive trucks. They go pretty much anywhere when it snows, and they'll go where other cars won't, like the mall in a snow storm. Ray, had a great idea to go shopping last night in the middle of the storm. Brilliant idea...NO LINES! I love to snow shop.
posted by Kelly @ 12/17/2007 09:52:00 PM  
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