Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year 2008!

I am grateful that I made it through another year. 2007 was quite the roller coaster ride and I'm am thankful that it has come to an end. I'm looking forward to a calmer ride in 2008, maybe Disneyland's It's a Small World.

I am grateful for the things I did accomplish from my 2007 list:

I met some awesome online friends in person at Fred. (There's a few more, but they don't share publicly on the Internet)

I finished my book. I've finished the chapter summaries, and I am very close to have a finished synopsis. Before I am 41 (Jan. 29) it will be in the hands of several literary agents (I'm compiling the list now).

I showed a collection of my artwork publicly (at the Back Mountain Memorial Library).

I've continued my education. Yay for free classes! I completed 9 credits already and I'm signed up for 9 more. I am really excited about the advanced Photography class I start in 2 weeks.

I finished my office. Now on to the bedroom.

There were a few that didn't get done. I'm OK with that--they are things to look forward to doing this year.

I am grateful for the life I have created. It ain't perfect, but it's darn good. I have a nice home, a great job, an awesome husband, a terrific son, two beautiful daughters, two adorable dogs, great friends (that list is starting to grow), good health, a super mom, and so much more. I actually get tripped up trying to write only 5 things I am grateful for, because every moment I am surrounded by so many more than that.

I am grateful for my camera. It has given me a year full of fun!

I am grateful for every single person who crossed my path in 2007. I am a better person because you touched my life. Thank you!
posted by Kelly @ 1/01/2008 10:32:00 AM  
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